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Designing the Body of Research
{module YR1}

"How can I not reproduce the colonizer's behaviour?"

This is my master’s prototype from my ongoing research initiated in 2019, "t r a p p e d", focused on the Brazilian Colonisation remnants. The question “How can I not reproduce the coloniser's behaviour?” emerges from the experience of living abroad which sharpens my perception about the socio-political context in Brazil and the dichotomies experienced in Europe. The autobiographical method feedbacks my movement research "Body States Through Memories" based on the Klauss Vianna Technique – Brazilian somatic technique for creation and body preparation, which displays matrices of movement - choreographic tool - to create the performance structure and the plan sequence trajectory - "choreocinegraphy". This video, an extract from a longer one, aims to a hybrid dance performance and experimental plan sequence which stems from my critical reflections on Colonialism. It conveys a plural environment that I unfold and overlap different sources: Brazilian anthem, songs, dances, Brazilian traditional meal – (raw) rice & beans; authorial written texts, laptop resources and screen recorder; (spot)lights/shadows; mirrors and reflections; dance and video. This prototype assists me to answer my question and exemplifies the direction in which the research will be developed: studying the technical aspects of a plan sequence; exploring multiple media and a plural environment to provide an immersive/omniscient camera.


• Filmed on November 7th, 2021 at Sozo Visions in Motion, Kassel-GE

• Direction, concept, dramaturgy, choreography, filmmaker and performance: Gab Branco

• Songs played: Brazilian National Anthem; "Esto no es un poema" by San Ignacio Ft. Arnaldo Antunes

Prototype assignment
Reflective Journal & other reflections 
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